January 2, 2024


Our two younger sons and daughters-in-law were on the road home from Colorado yesterday, and Holly and our grand babies were on the road home from Tulsa.
Moms worry. Like other moms, I’m well-versed in all the ‘right’ ways we are ‘supposed’ trust God with our children. There’s just something about the need to protect them that stays. Always.
When they are babies, we look at them with a certain awe and so many mixed emotions. This tiny person, created and grew to perfection in our wombs. I remember being overcome with the sheer wonder of God Almighty when I looked into each of their beautiful faces. And, again, looking into the faces of our grandbabies – how could anyone deny the existence and majesty of our Creator? And, who could fathom carrying the weight of the responsibility without the consistent, moment-by-moment help of our Heavenly Father?
Every glance at our little ones and our big ones remind us we need Someone much more powerful, much wiser than ourselves to raise this creation to adulthood.
Over the course of time, that “fear” will drive us to our knees and to God more often than we are able to count. No matter how old they get, we will still be driven to our knees over their circumstances,
their illnesses, and
They arrive and mark us for life, don’t they? The umbilical cord was severed only to create this invisible cord connected to our hearts.
“Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb?” (Isaiah 49:15)
It is with relief I realize, God has wired us – at least us women – exactly in this way. He designed us so that it would be unnatural, for a mom to forget or withhold compassion from her child. I will forever love and pray for my children. Neverending.
No matter their size,
no matter how old, or
independent, or
how far they may go, or
how stuck they may get … the Good Shepherd loves them even more than we do. He carries them closer to His heart and has even more investment in them than all the momma-love of all creatures combined (thank You, Jesus!). And, He is gently leading us to carry-on as He leads us on our journey … alongside a journey with our children, and our children’s children … who are each on a journey of their own.
God knows. His Son was on a journey, too. He knows the dramatic heart of a human Mom. He knows the power of the journey as He created the heart-tied journey of all journeys that will lead us to the glorious day that every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Philippians 2:10-11). Come, Lord Jesus. Come.

January 1, 2024 This


Christ’s birth.
His life.
His death.
His resurrection.
Carrying the weight of the burden for mankind took supernatural bravery. You and I often feel the smothering weight of our own burdens. The past few months have been heavy … yet, God adds a plot-twist to every moment with us, doesn’t He? Somehow, making this uncommon season … affirming.
A few weeks ago, crying out to God with all the questions, I asked, “Where are You? Why won’t You answer – why can I not hear You? What. am. I. supposed. to. do?’ In my spirit I felt Him say “this”.
This, crying out.
This, just being with Me.
This, trusting My ways.
Perhaps, His ultimate ‘want’ from us, is simply … just us. Maybe His ‘finish-work’ is coming around His life and death, His resurrection and presence as just simple me – in this bravery of going to Him, in every new place, in the dark and unfamiliar heaviness, in the unnatural hours of life being different now … this is a tender moment of coming home to the heart of God where His charge is simply, “be with Me. Be sober and awake to what I want from you. Be brave enough to yield and to sacrifice … to fully surrender to time with Me. I will meet you here and be what you need at this moment. Be with Me.”

”And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.“
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬-‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

December 17, 2022 Rest


Our Bryan will be 30 tomorrow. Seems surreal that we have been blessed by his presence every minute for 30 years. I so loved having a Christmas baby. And, every year I’m thrown back into all the feels of celebrating … holding my tiny son while celebrating Mary’s.
The week Bryan was born, our grandfather, Pop Reinking, went to heaven. I remember every emotion being right at the surface during those tender days.
I often wonder if Mary’s emotions ever waivered?
Her little family was basically displaced.
No room.
No bed.
Even worse, people were talking. They were not even married. Joseph was older and poor little Mary … she was so young and naïve. ‘Have you heard? … she said she saw an angel and the baby is God’s son! Have you ever heard anything so bizarre?’
In the turmoil of fear that would leave most of us in a puddle
‘… she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.’ Luke 2:7.
And, they slept. They rested. And, Mary treasured these things, pondering them in her heart. There is no indication in scripture that her faith faltered.
Every detail of her life was in an uproar – yet, she was in the presence of the Savior of the world, and that was all she needed to be able to rest, to ponder, to treasure.
Her faith did not waiver at riding a donkey instead of being carried in a cushiony litter. She rested, pondered, treasured.
If I had been ready to pop and rode a donkey, I would not be calm enough to rest. And, Dale would have not been calm about walking from town to town leading a donkey with a pregnant woman on its back.
Mary rested, pondered, treasured.
If I had to sleep in a stable, with coyotes and skunks and wild hogs roaming near, I would not be calm enough to rest.
Mary rested, pondered, treasured.
If I had to lay my perfect, beautiful son in a trough, I would not be calm enough to rest.
If my day did not have an agenda, I did not know how long I would have to be away from home, I would not be calm enough to rest.
If my world were as upside down as Mary’s I would not have been calm enough to rest.
Mary rested, pondered, treasured.
What trauma are you managing at the moment? What fear are you processing … that people can’t see from the outside, but it is ripping your heart in pieces on the inside?
“Come to me all who are weary
(like Mary and Joseph)
and heavy-laden
(gently lay it down into the
and I’ll give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
If He has been giving rest to those in His presence from His birth, then enter into His presence, place your fear in the manger, and accept your rest. He is waiting for you.

February 26, 2022 peace


Good morning, DearHeart.
Sitting here, feeling safe and quiet. Praying for my adults sons and their families. And – somewhere, in Ukraine, is a mom like me, praying desperate prayers for her adult sons and daughters, who are armed and defending their homes.
People are trying to get to the border. Others are huddled in subways, which have now become bomb shelters.
The images come of sons and daughters helping the elderly to safety. Parents with young children in tow and in their arms, some yet inside their mother’s womb … I cannot understand the range of emotions these people must be experiencing … the horror … fear … anxiety … concern for their loved ones. Will they even have a home when they leave the shelter?
The questions which must be going through their minds – How will we ever resume life? How do we rebuild? Where do we go from here? What kind of life will my children have?
Questions without answers.
And so I pray …
Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace. Come, Lord Jesus, and bring peace to the Ukrainians. In the middle of the chaos, the conflict, and the unknown, fill their hearts and minds with Your peace. Remind the people that You are with them. Give them strength to endure. And may you, Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who has never vacated His throne, be merciful to Ukraine. Come, Prince of Peace. In Your Mighty Name I pray, Amen.
” … And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6b, NASB)
*Symbol for peace created by Moscow born Natasha Alimova.

February 23, 2022 butterflies and blooms


Good morning, DearHeart.
I hear sleet hitting the window and long for the warm days of blooms and butterflies. There is always a struggle in finding stillness, though. Fighting through that struggle, there is always a place where I cry-out and find grace in the Word of God. I hang on to scripture. This is how it often happens – I hear it in a song or in Bro Colin’s sermon, or a podcast … then it pops up in a text message, and it repeats again – my brain responds “that’s the same verse” … there is a pattern here and I need to pay attention. So, I latch on to the Word.
I choose to see blessings most of the time … a ‘cup half-full’ kind of person. I am a blessed woman. And, I do not take that lightly. I try to live my moments from a place of gratitude – no matter what – I am thankful. When life causes pain, and I ask Him for help, I often feel a sense of guilt for even asking – who am I to ask? Does that ever happen to you? Even there I’ve learned to remind myself that is the evil of the enemy trying to keep me from relationship with the One who said “You didn’t choose me. I chose you.” John 15:16
Still … I’d like to get to a point in my life that I hang on to scripture because everything -every little thing- … in my mind is at ease. Instead, what I find, is that there is always a pull at my heart. There is always a struggle. Maybe God allows us to be in a place of struggle so that never forget how much we need Him. Maybe the struggle sustains our search back to Him, our Safe Haven. John 14:8 “Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”
What verse is sustaining you with His grace through your current struggle?

Wake up.
Listen for the sustaining pattern of grace.

February 3, 2022 grands


Good morning, DearHeart.

Snow day. Hard north-wind day.

Haven’t shared my writings in a while. I get to walk our grandson, Rush, across campus to his school every morning – which means that now I’m usually driving when I used to be posting. And, while I miss posting, I wouldn’t trade those few morning minutes with that beautiful little soul for all the world! He is so cool … y’all, grandchildren are a whole new level of pure love that I didn’t even know existed.

I had four living grandparents until I was in my 20’s and I was in my late 40’s when we laid “Mom Coon”, our last living grandparent to rest. Freddie, Juanita, Sam, and Opal had a powerful impact on shaping me and helping Mom and Dad raise us. They were each a unique model of unconditional love, and sacrifice, and big personalities, and sass … the model I hope to be for our grands.

But, this morning, I’m in front of the fire at home. Visiting with my Savior, petitioning for my loves, trusting His faithfulness through these next few frosty-face days. Thinking on His faithfulness and goodness especially to those who are in a season of pain and sorrow … there are so many of the people I love who are right there, in that season, right now. Praying for God to set them “free and unfettered”, and not tied down to believing the lies of the enemy who is worming his way in to their thoughts to steal, kill, and destroy their peace.

“Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.” Psalm 54:4

Even in this season, God is faithful and at work to make something beautiful out of the ashes. He is so faithful.

What are your prayers today? Please share ♥️

Wake up.

Feel His presence.

Your Father is upholding you.


August 10, 2021 bless the thing


‬‬Good morning, DearHeart,
Wouldn’t it be perfect if we could always hold them like this and protect them from anything that tries to steal their peace? Totally, sweetly safe.
As a mom, I think the hardest thing to do is listen as your child goes through a painful journey. We moms just want to fix it. Yet, their growth is at stake, and they must walk it out for their faith and trust grow in the Most High God.
The irony is, that their journey is also mom’s journey. Right?! It doesn’t matter what age they may be. Growth is at stake for all.
Sometimes life challenges the beliefs of even the most loving people, doesn’t it? I read a quote from the Archbishop of Canterbury, and it stuck, (paraphrased) “When you see the depth of energy that people can put into evil, then there is a flicker of doubt in humanity. It would be inhumane not to react with sadness and doubt.”
Even when we know that it’s just part of life … people make tragic and hurtful and downright ugly decisions that have long-term impact, we still try to make sense of them. So, how are we to pray “positive” prayers while we are hurt to the core and we just want the relentless pain to stop?
The power of blessing is the key to our growth and healing.
There is a space that is given to you and me by our Maker.
This space … between this breath … and the next is a place of creation: we use that sacred space for
cycles that start or stop,
grow or fade,
live or die.
All possibilities exist from this place. Sit in this a moment … what kind of Creator sets that kind of power in place for us?
He thought of everything.
You and I have the choice and the power to change lives, our own life and the lives of others. We make the choice to bring peace into our hearts through the magical moments that we choose to bless the thing.
Bless the person.
Bless the event.
Bless the growth.
Bless the pain’s purpose.
Bless the journey.
Between breaths, decide, and bless it.
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life…” (Deuteronomy 30:19, NLT).
Your will, Lord.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Nothing else.
Wake up.
Bless the thing.
Even though it hurts, bless it anyway.

August 9, 2021 choking on the blood


Good morning, DearHeart.
I’ve been listening to the group “We the Kingdom”. Their tunes get stuck in my head. One song calls out Satan “Don’t Tread on Me” … there is a line in the chorus:
“He’s choking on the blood
That ran down the tree
Ain’t no devil
Gonna tread on me.”
The visual that line leaves in my head is a called-out Satan, literally choking, while kneeling at the cross. Over and over, every time a Child of God exposes sin in their life, Satan chokes on the Blood of the One Who Saves.
How powerful is that truth?!
When we hand over fear, worry, time-wasters, bad habits, wrong thinking … Satan chokes.
It takes courage to call out Satan’s influence – especially in some of the habits we have threaded into our daily lives, have you noticed? And, even more courage to nod, inviting the Most High to enter into and fill those spaces. Taking a step beyond the flesh-of-the-day garb is not normal. The enemy will throw darts at every step; be prepared. Satan knows he can’t compete with the power of your Maker.
Not even close.
The more you get to know your soul – and engage the Authority of El Elyon, God of Perfect Control, the more you engage His POWER in your life and live in His AUTHORITY. At every “yes, Lord”, The Divine Himself wraps you in and takes you deeper.
‘In all these things we are more than victorious through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that not even death or life, angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers, height or depth, or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!’ (Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭37-39‬ HCSB)
Answering His call to hand over full control to The Almighty will take you to both intensely light and intensely dark places. He will take you anywhere you need to go again, and again, and again, in order to meet Him in increasing intimacy.
The journey will take you through every kind of emotion there is. And, you will be left hungry for more of Him.
His ways are perfect.
His ways are right.
He is FOR you.
Wake up.
Agree to your soul-journey. Begin.

August 4, 2021 oops moments


Good morning, DearHeart.
Last week, I was pretty obsessed with these sunflowers … this week, well … I think I killed them. 😬
I’m full of mistakes and awkward moments … Freudian slips, embarrassing moments, a hurtful word spoken, breaking an object of value, getting my heel stuck in a floor vent … 🤷🏼‍♀️
Every. Single. Day. I can be counted on for imperfection.
A mistake.
A wrong choice.
I’m so thankful for the grace given to me by others.
The silver lining to my “moments” is that I truly make those who hang out with me SHINE! 😂 ✨
I don’t think I’m alone here, I also, often regret failure to act.
The visit not made.
The card not sent.
The apology not extended.
The hug not given.
Life brings us through twists and turns. Some expected. Some, out of no where.
Some regrets are felt deeply and linger.
When regret comes to my life, I have learned that there is only one place to take it … lay it at foot of the Cross. When I “come to my senses”, much the way the prodigal son did, and return to my Father,
regret turns to restoration …
redemption …
I am redeemed.
What kind of God does that? What kind of unconditional love continues to erase mistakes, over and over again?
“Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to Your love remember me, for You, Lord, are good” (Psalm 25:7).
What kind of God? “According to His love,” that’s my God.
Wake up.
Start again.
Do overs.
Clean slate.

July 31, 2021 His truth, our joy.


Good morning, DearHeart.
Summer mornings, on the front porch = Divine reconnection … where thoughts go a bit deeper, and His Holiness rises to the occasion.
For those of us who believe in God, who find rest in the intelligence of Love, and for those open enough to consider it …
For those of us in pain––from the deeply personal, to the sorrow of disunity we can taste …
For those of us who have Joy to offer because our faith keeps us running back to it––we know that Joy is where we are formed by the Master Creator … joy is our original state, Holiness empowers us …
For those of us interested in walking out these days … where spirituality is way more adventure than religion, where the heart calls the shots, where we believe in the miracle of the lessons all around us …
For those who choose to believe …
“He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.
He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.
He guards the paths of the just
and protects those who are faithful to him.
Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair,
and you will find the right way to go.
For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will fill you with joy.
Proverbs 2:7-10 NLT
Everything here is meant to lead back to what your heart knows, way down deep, His truth is our joy.
Wake up.
Seek Truth.
Find Joy.