March 13, 2019 rains


Good morning, DearHeart.

I love the rain. I remember my Pop Coon sitting at his kitchen table, drinking coffee, watching the rain out the window and saying out loud, “let it rain”. That’s one of my dad’s favorite sayings on mornings like this, too. His voice sounds exactly the same as Pop’s. It’s funny how little sounds or phrases can take you right back to a warm place in childhood memories. A place of comfort. A place we hope to create for our own chickees. A warm and safe place. A place that God created for His own.

Life can bring hard times which bring strong winds and rains that seem to be on a mission to take us under.

But, those driving rains only drive us to Him. We fall before the One who brings healing and restoration. Roots go down more deeply causing us to sway but stand firm, as He assures us that we are in His Presence.

These winter rains serve to grow a desire in us to know Him with an earnestness so we pursue Him, relentlessly.


We press on, striving to obtain more of Him in the midst of the harsh season. In spite of it even.

And then come the spring rains …




And those seeds He has been planting in our lives all along, begin to break ground. They grow and blossom and bear fruit.

We begin to see His hand at work in our lives, weaving details with a precision and beauty, which was unseen to us. The winter rains prove to have had a purpose all along.

The seed has become swelled and begins to burst into maturity.

In the trials, in the torn places, in this very day, God has a plan.

“Come, let us return to the Lord; for He has torn us, that He may heal us; He has struck us down, and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live before Him. Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; His going out is sure as the dawn; He will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” Hosea 6:1-3 ESV

Wake up.

God has a plan.


About lewis3sunz

I am a blessed woman. Wife, daughter, mother of 3sunz, sister, author of 'Spirit Move Me: Memos to you that sway with the Holy Spirit', Jesus loving Oklahoma girl, I love exploring truth, early morning is my favorite time of day, teacher/trainer, lover of books and news and fascinated with butterflies, extreme right brained pondering creature; enjoy helping others find meaning, tap into their own inspiration and intuition to work more effectively, and overcome struggles and the rising and falling of life in the everyday grind and in small business/micro business worlds. Blessed with the crazy notion, the wild-eyed foolishness, and the madcap belief in the simple idea that I might help one to make a decision that makes a difference in the world . . . as stated by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous quote…“To know one life breathed easier because you lived, this is to have succeeded.” I get to use my small business background as a former owner of a Flower Shop and Hallmark Store and former co-owner of Disability Specialists, LLC, to help folks build dreams. I hold a M.Ed with emphasis on Adult Training and Education. I’d love to get my Doctorate in Educational Leadership . . . someday. My work centers on the belief that inside each of us lives a mesmerizing soul waiting to be revealed. Every day we can choose to trust the magic of our calling and take those unconventional moves to unlock an enchanted journey. I serve as Business and Industry Director and Business Development Services Coordinator at Canadian Valley Technology Center in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

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